Originally Posted by JohnBua
Yes of course we executed Japanese for this. They were the enemy. And they tortured us before we even had the chance to torture us. Learn from history. Nothing will get the Islamic Terrorists to stop hating us, stop trying to kill YOU, but totall conversion to their way of life. I would rather torture 1000 Islamics and find one thimbel full of information that be nice and play patty cake and fumble a ball that leads to one American death. The only way to stop them short of surrender, is to make them realise that killing Americans has too steep a price.
That's not how torture works, John. You don't use increasingly harsh techniques based on how devoted the enemy is. There's a point at which it becomes easier to diffuse hatred. Torturing someone that truly hates us will feed that hatred and will increase the chances of them lying intentionally. It increases their resolve.
Besides, according to virtually every interview of someone actually directly involved on torture, it didn't make a lick of difference, in fact it often lead to more difficulties. Traditional methods work according to the people in the world most capable of determining what works.