Originally Posted by Strange Famous
As far as I can tell he is using lethal force to protect his property, not his life. If he handed over what the thieves wanted he wouldnt be shot. He has made a judgment that he considers his property to be worth killing to protect. The law in the US allows him to make such a choice - but for the original conversation - if we are going to talk about this the ONLY conversation I can imagine is a moral one... unless we are to talk about the fact he's a good shot?
I make my comment about "trophies" in the light of the perspective taken by other people making comments in this discussion. There are two comments which I specifically find incredible and unacceptable - 1, that the fact he has taken 5 lives is "awesome", and 2 - to speculate on the "saving to the tax payer" of thieves being shot down rather than having to be kept in prison.
There is a debate which I at least can comprehend as to whether this individual should have the right to kill the men he has to protect his property. It is incomphrensible to me that anyone should consider 5 killings to be something to be proud of or consider as an achievment worthy of merit. This is a terrible weight. For whatever reason you end a life, and whether you have the right or not, there is still blood on your hands and on your soul; even someone who has no choice but to kill or be killed.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Strange Famous - if you would like to respond to what I am about to post, I recommend that you do so via PM. I do not think you should detract any longer from the intent of this thread-starter. (This is me speaking as a friend, not a mod.)
I'm grateful that there are average law-abiding citizens out there who are comfortable with guns.
I would personally have closed up shop and moved elsewhere if I had learned that there were frequent armed robberies in the area.
This man chose to do away with the armed cirminals themselves, in a manner that is completely legal. I personally do not understand how someone can have the stomach for such a choice in action. I am glad that there are people who are willing to clean out the vermin of the world. Some people clean out the world's vermin through humanitarian efforts - helping with the broken families and young children that could, without propper attention, turn into these armed criminals.
But what is more humanitarian? Allowing vermin to live? Vermin being people who rob, people who steal, people who choose to destroy other people's lives and livelihoods rather than adding to the general welbeing of their community through lawful acts and gainful employment. Allowing them to corrupt others, allowing their hate-filled disease to spread - to destroy more lives?
We need more people who are willing to step up into these areas and do away with the vermin of the world. People who aren't going to stand for their livelihood and their lives to be threatened. People who are willing to move in a humanitarian bent and those who are more proactive. We need them.
We are dealing with gang warfare and armed robberies on a frightening scale. Many make the choice, like me, to walk away - go somewhere else that has little trace of vermin. But that vermin is still festering, still there. Still ready to move, still gaining ground. And until law-abiding, gentle people are willing to stand up and say "NO MORE" the spread of this scourge will not cease.
We need more armed watchmakers.
Strange Famous, I
knew that you would get around to making the argument that the shop owner was protecting his property and not his life. That simply is not the case.
When you point a loaded weapon at someone, you've already proven that you are willing to take their life. That is the responsibility of a firearm, and it applies to the guys in white hats as well as the guys in black hats. The man in the video understood that responsibility; anyone who relies on a firearm as a means of defense needs to understand that responsibility, and be willing to accept it, or they have no business owning a firearm.
But I won't go as far as GG and accuse the attempted robbers of being "vermin." I have no idea what drove them to attempt armed robbery, but whatever it was, it doesn't change the fact that they would still be alive if they hadn't threatened a particular shop owner with lethal force.