Originally Posted by Cynosure
That brings to mind a twist on this discussion: If you're born severely retarded, or if you suffer severe brain damage, but in either case you're still able to function as an active (if not productive) human being, do you still have free will?
To some extent, a person has enough freewill to create their own opinions.. but probably not enough to control what their body does.
While working for a dementia unit as a pallative care and skilled nursing facility, I had to deal with Alzheimer's patients hitting me every day. I've even been punched in the face. But, I knew that their decisions were guided by misconceptions. So, while they still had freewill, they weren't in the right state of mind to use it as they truly wanted.
As long as our brain still functions by itself to some degree..we still have some amount of freewill. We just might not realize what we're doing with our freewill, I guess.