Well, you have to remember I'm playing by my own definitions...that said:
I tend to think of sanity as having a belief system which is consistent with commonly accepted beliefs within a given society. I'd say that not all my beliefs are commonly held, thus I think I could technically be a little insane.
I think of crazy as having beliefs that are illogical, impractical. People talking to their toasters, beliefs that are consistent with (what I consider to be) the mythological underpinnings of many dominant philosophical/theological systems, etc.
To my mind, it's something like atheism/agnosticism. The terms are similar, and they get mixed up a lot. However, technically I hold them to be distinct. You will have some people who are sane, but crazy. Insane, but not crazy. Insane and crazy. Sane and not crazy.
I don't know too many of the last category. I think you need a little craziness or insanity to get by.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style