Originally Posted by BadNick
Are you in Cuba?
...personal story related to Cuba: my dear father-in-law passed away recently so his 3 children were dividing up some of his personal possessions, furniture, art works, etc. Among other items, my wife ended up with a somewhat strange abstract painting, one of the key figures in it seems to be a giant penis, it's by a Cuban artist and no one else wanted it so she took it just to throw up on a wall in our 3rd floor hallway or in one of the kids' rooms. My inlaws purchased it on one of their "art exchange and appreciation" trips to Cuba a few years ago (yes, in spite of State Dept. bans on travel there). My boy didn't like it either so I hung it up next to my computer desk. A couple days ago my wife googled the artists name and found that he's quite famous and some of his oil painting sell at major art auctions for $50,000 to $100,000 so we figure this is worth at least $20,000...plus he autographed it personally thanking my inlaws by name so from watching Antique Roadshow I figure that adds "provenance". One person's trash is another person's treasure.
I am in Cuba. I'll tell you exactly where if you Fed-Ex me that painting. Not usually that found of penis', well other then my own, but sounds like I'd like this one.
And I'll save you guys time I'm not at Gitmo or Havana.