Originally Posted by pan6467
Why were there taps done? Especially if for legal reasons and with warrants? If she's not guilty of anything, then I'd be pissed off to and wonder why my lines were tapped.
Now, if she was a suspect in something, I could understand.
And who's administration authorized the taps Bush's or Obama's?
Far more to this story than what we may ever know.
As far as I know the taps where she was caught were not aimed at her, but at a suspected Israeli spy. Then she was caught in a call to this spy saying she would try to get the DOJ to go easy on two AIPAC members who were being accused of espionage as well.
Then the DOJ stepped in and stopped any investigation of her, even though in "normal" circumstances a congresswoman talking to a suspected spy about helping other suspected spies avoid justice would warrant one, because she was the main democrat supporting the NSA warrantless wiretap programs, and as such the Bush administration needed her to have bipartisan support.