Originally Posted by timalkin
How do you define what a child is? Is it based on the age of consent for a particular state? What if the legislature of a state lowered the age of consent to 13? Would you be OK with that? Would you be OK with a man marrying multiple 13 year old girls at one time?
This is an hilarious appeal to emotion. What timalkin might not know is that a great number of people at the TFP aren't particularly emotional and won't be immediately swayed by this argument, in which case they'll be able to deconstruct it for the drivel that it is...
All states have to decide how old someone must be before they're competent. This is necessary for any free society that allows its citizens to make decisions for themselves. If a state actually thinks 13 year olds are competent enough then so be it. This would be an issue for some regardless of whether gay marriage was legal or not. The existence of gay marriage would not increase the number of people who'd object to this age of consent. Indeed, it's unlikely to even change which individuals objects to this law. Age of consent is just not relevant to the issue of gay marriage.
So, would you like to state what your
actual objection is? Polygamy might be next and I think it's worth bringing up 'cause why couldn't consenting adults in a free society be engaged in a marriage? What's your objection to
Finally, I want to be known as the guy with all those YouTube links...