HD DVD/Blue hybrid players?
My simple question: Are there any DVD players out there beside the discontinued LG BH 100 that play both HD DVD and Blue Ray DVD?
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My wife purchased the Battlestar Galactica Season 1 DVD for my birthday and it was in the HD DVD format. Some research yesterday revealed to me that the DVD format war is not ongoing but actually over as of last year, HD DVD was the loser, and Blue Ray does not play HD DVD (had access to such a player).
This is the first non-standard DVD for us and would mean a forced upgrade to play it. Pondering the merits of buying a player for a discontinued format (around $60 used) for one boxed set, or selling the gift and replacing with standard DVDs.
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Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.
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