I am a college administrator, so skip past this if you don't want to hear from one of the Straights.
Otherwise, the two most important things you can do are as follows:
1) KEEP UP. Do whatever it takes for you to keep up with the readings, the assignments, the test studying, whatever. Everybody is different, and some people require less effort to keep up. Therefore, you can't judge your ability to keep up in comparison to your buddies that want to blow off the second test. Find out how much prep and studying you need and stick to it. College moves at a breakneck pace, and you CAN NOT EVER catch up if you fall behind. Also, the profs don't give two flying fucks whether you learn the stuff or not; they'll flunk you without losing any sleep.
2) GO TO CLASS. If you are receiving federal financial aid, they may pull your grant/loan if you have an excessive number of absences. Also, research (and my personal experience) shows that the very first sign of a student in trouble is excessive absences. Not every student that misses class is in academic trouble, but nearly all students in distress started out by skipping classes.
Neither of these guidelines will interfere with your ability to party and sow wild oats, but don't let those things interfere with your need to keep up and attend class.
Living is easy with eyes closed.