Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I also wouldn't say it's very easy. Certainly not as easy as shooting a scoped rifle. Compound do break down and are easier to hold in release position longer then a recurve. But it's not like shooting a firearm, there's an amount of stress involved in holding it in the release position.
I never said a scoped rifle, actually i was meaning a non-scoped rifle. The principles of sight alignment and sight picture remain the exact same regardless of what's in your hands, as do the principles of breathing control, trigger control, etc. So yes, it's
similar in some ways to shooting a rifle, and the obvious differences you pointed out are why i didn't say they're exactly the same. Also, i would say it's very easy to learn how to shoot a compound if you're familiar with rifles to begin with. I grew up shooting rifles, and i was in the Marine Corps Infantry for 7 years. When i first got the compound bow, it only took a few shots to get used to it, and a few more to sight it in, and only a few more after that to be shooting consistent tight groups.