Originally Posted by QuasiMondo
A lot of people like to believe that automotive assembly is (to paraphrase) "so easy, a caveman can do it." I find great irony in such a statement made by folks who in most cases are completely auto illiterate and wouldn't know how to perform as much as an oil change on the car they own.
This isn't Ikea furniture we're talking about here, and something as mechanically and electronically complex as an automobile requires a bit more skill than what you've assumed it does. Spend some time around your car. Take it apart (if you dare), and when you've failed to put it back together, ask yourself if assembly line work should be given the same lack of consideration as a fast food employee or gas station attendant.
I watched a guy on TV today who worked at a GM plant in Southern Ontario, his job on the line was to put in 10 screws on the firewall to attach the console, you want to tell me that isn't Ikea? Brainless labour, it may not all be like that, but too many people are making more money for doing mindless unskilled labour than they should be.
So your compliant is you had a job(s) more dangerous then the auto workers and they made more money? It almost sounds like your solution to this is lower their pay. Wouldn't raising your pay make it better for you and the auto workers?
And $28 an hour isn't a whole lot of money.
No my complaint is that saying 'they have a dangerous job' to justify their pay is funny to me, plenty of other people have more dangerous jobs and make far less, so the argument it's dangerous makes no sense. Ummmm raising my pay when I was a miner would have caused me to no longer be employed as a miner, so it wouldn't have helped me out in the least, may help out the autoworkers, though I have no clue how. Raising peoples pay doesn't always make things better, sometimes it means the job you have goes up in fuckin smoke.
No shit $28 isn't a whole lot of money, but for putting 10 screws into 10 holes it sure as fuck is.