Originally Posted by pan6467
See, I disagree. I don't believe calling someone stupid, an idiot or ignorant for their beliefs and opinions is making your point any better. In fact it cheapens it. I was just as guilty, for a long time, but then I realized my opinion and belief is just that. I went with what the press told me to go with, what the far Left espoused I ate up and spewed out almost verbatim. But the reality is, I didn't have to think for myself then. I was the elitist because I felt that the press backed my opinion so I was automatically right. Once I sat back looked at what I was saying realized that I just spewed what the press told me to and that I wasn't truly thinking for myself..... I realized I was the stupid one.
Ya know, I somewhat resent the implication that those of us on the left are stupid because someone else happens to say what we're saying.
But when you start calling the other side "stupid, ignorant, idiots" there is no compromise, no even trying to understand the other side.
OK, then you explain how lowering taxes on 95% of the country is a tax increase.
You in essence have stated your beliefs and opinions are better than theirs
They think a tax cut is a tax increase, they think Obama is a Muslim, they think Obama is not a legal citizen, they think Sarah Palin is intelligent, and they think Rush Limbaugh has all the answers. Yeah, based on that, sure, I'll gladly say my beliefs and opinions are better than theirs.
Once you do that, you begin or continue to keep the partisanship hatred alive because those you called names and refused to listen to take solace in digging deeper down into their beliefs.....
I'm all for reasoned debate, but there are some things for which there is no grey area, and no compromise. Obama is not a muslim. Anyone who says so is either stupid, or stupidly parroting Fox News. I'm not gonna play the "well let's reach across the aisle and see if we can come to agreement on this" game in situations like that. They're wrong. I'm right, Period.
Issue-wise, the republicans believe that cutting taxes while increasing government spending, and funneling as much money as possible to the upper-class elite leads to a prosperous economy. Again, they're wrong, I'm right, Period. Don't believe me? How's the economy workin' for ya? As with the Obama-is-a-Muslim issue, anyone who seriously believes that reducing income while increasing expenditures is the way to decrease your debt is either crazy, or listening to Fox News too much. But, hey, if anyone here chooses to believe that, feel free to quit your job, take on part time work at Walmart, and buy a Porsche. See how long that lasts for your bank account.
and then they call you names and you do the same. Hence you end up with a very divided country where nothing will get done except the extremes because only the extremes get listened to because no one wanted to meet in the middle because both sides saw the other as idiots, ignorant and stupid.
Well the real answer is to have instant runoff elections, and that way people don't feel like they're wasting a vote if they don't cast it for a democrat or a republican. But, the idiots on both sides of the aisle will never go for that because it would only increase competition for them.