Let me pour some light on this, as I am certifiably crazy. I was diagnosed with bipolar and threw a fit when I realized the grounds for this diagnosis are behaviorally based. That is, there's no blood test or any other sort of scientific test for bi-polar. If a psychiatrist thinks your bi-polar, and he calls you bi-polar, then you are bi-polar. I said "Hey, that's crap. What gives you the right to tell me that my perception of reality is wrong and yours is right?", because at the time I was high on a manic episode. I told him, "in another country, my behavior would not be so out of line and would be basically normal". And then he told me, "in another country, if you indeed were able to function, you would not be diagnosed as bi-polar. You're only being diagnosed because of your inability to function in this society". My wife, a double psychology major, backed up this statement, saying that although there are genes which would lead some to be more prone to bipolar behavior, the ultimate test of whether or not your are "crazy"* is whether or not you can FUNCTION in society. How you or your psychiatrist defines "function" and "society" will help determine whether or not you are "crazy".
* "Crazy" and "insane" are not included in the Psychologists' DSM IV [Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders]. Psychiatrists are expected to hazard a slightly more specific guess as to what brand of crazy someone has [ie bipolar, schizophernia, multiple personality disorder, ADD, HADD, OCD, Insomnia, etc...]. Bi-polar is one of the more popular diagnoses among psychiatrists these days. Most people have mental issues without being clinically diagnosable. What's the benefit to being diagnosed? A: Pre-established treatment = Drugs! The whole disease-model of psychology is kind of fucked, but its what we have to work with here in the U.S. I must say that lithium pills do help to even me out, and its worth a little damage to my pride.
To avoid being crazy:
1. Get along with the people you interact with (that is, Don't NOT get along to the point that you are no longer functioning within their society). OR change societies.
2. Don't think about killing yourself.
Last edited by MauiMensch; 04-19-2009 at 10:21 AM..