28 Days Later – 2/10.
People have been telling me for years to see 28 Days Later because it was so good and so scary. I thought we were going to find out what happened after Sandra Bullock's character had been clean for a month. I was really looking forward to seeing how her life had changed since she suddenly stopped drinking and being a druggie, because drunkards and druggies are pretty worthless and I like how they showed how drunks and druggies ruin everyone’s lives and I was hoping to see how she dealt with the lives she ruined. When everyone said it was scary, I figured they meant she'd relapse or something like that. What I saw instead sickened me.
They changed the entire cast, moved the entire location from California to England and revamped the script. Sure, the first installment with Sandra Bullock didn’t do all that well at the box office, but I get so angry when Hollywood takes what works and changes it to the point that the original story is unrecognizable.
Seriously, they replace rehab patients with zombies? What were they thinking? This movie wasn’t charming, funny, or even the least romantically inclined, except for maybe the scene in the big house where they put those nice dresses on the two female characters, but then they were mean to them.
The only reason I give this movie any rating at all is because at least it didn’t have the dumb German guy in it who was fascinated with his privates.
Sorry if I spoiled this for anyone but I just didn’t want anyone else going into this thinking they were going to see how Sandra Bullock put her life back together only to see Hollywood ruin it with a bunch of zombies.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses