Originally Posted by Lindy
This morning I had a small (about 4-5 ounce) tilapia filet, panfried in butter. Three minutes on one side, three minutes on the other. Then break a couple of eggs in the same skillet and lightly scramble. I like scrambled eggs pretty wet. A little salt and pepper or chesapeake fish seasoning. Maybe some parmesan or shredded cheddar. When it looks about right, I dump the whole skillet onto a plate. Twelve minutes max cooking time. I'll usually also have some melon or berries or grapes.
Most of the time I have sausage or hamburger instead of fish. Leftover chili (I usually make it w/o beans) is also great on top of the eggs and meat. Hey, you said you wanted to spice it up. Left over (fill in the blank) korma or curry would be good too.
I've also had oatmeal a few times over the winter, with fruit and cream. Oatmeal is a kind of "comfort food" to me, especially in cold weather, even though I usually follow a pretty low carb diet, which cuts out pancakes and most bread. And if I don't have eggs and/or meat, it just doesn't feel like breakfast to me. But I like cooked cold cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus too.
Try looking at what Baraka_Guru suggested and see if you can cut down on eating late in the day. That might make eating breakfast more attractive.
If I'm running late, sometimes I stop at Mickey Dees and get a couple of sausage biscuits (I discard the biscuit) and a yogurt parfait. Total cost --about $3.00
I should have mentioned in the OP that I don't eat much meat--my SO is vegetarian and so cooking meat or fish in the house is out of the question. Thanks for the other suggestions, though.
I also should tell you all that I have GERD, and as such, I have to keep a steady amount of food in my stomach, which means I have to eat small amounts throughout the day (including later on in the evening). If I don't, I wake up truly nauseous.
This morning I had some scrambled eggs and potatoes for breakfast. Yummy.