Originally Posted by samcol
It's not ok, and that's my biggest complaint about the majority of the people who go to these tea parties. However, the government isn't issueing a fix they are solving the debt problem with more debt. They are taking people's hard earned money and handing it out to huge corporations and bankers with no oversight.
no, that's what W did in the first "bailout." I find it fascinating that we can accuse Obama of meddling with business by "firing" GM's CEO, yet claim there's no oversight with the bailout money. Obama never fired the CEO. He said "if you want this bailout money you're going to do something different with it, including firing the idiot CEO that got you where you are today." In other words, oversight.
The notion of spending money that wasn't taxed is rather absurd.
Hence one of the reasons I'm anti-Republican.
We are taxed for whatever the government spends regardless if it's directly or indiretly. We pay the inflation tax everytime the government runs up the debt and the value of the dollar drops. That hurts a lot and people don't mention that.
Because it wasn't germane to my point. Yes I know we all suffer when the government borrows money from China. But that's not a tax. If it were a tax, the government would be getting money from it, but they aren't. They're only getting debt.
So whether or not its on the books as a tax isn't really an issue.
It is an issue, because for 30 years we've been sold the lie that we can have whatever government programs we want without having to pay for them in the form of taxes. It is /because/ of the "don't ever tax anyone for anything especially if they're rich" attitude that we have to borrow from China, and it is because of that attitude that we are in the mess we're in now, with an impoverished government, an impoverished populace, and and impoverished infrastructure. Yes, at this point, we have to spend money to fix things. That's going to hurt, true, but it won't hurt as much as if we slide into a depression and stay there forever because no money moves anywhere.
We pay anyway. This inflation tax hits the middle and lower class the hardest who are the very people the government claims to be helping by spending all this money.
Ya know, I'm willing to bet you that the estimated 30 million Americans who will end up in the unemployment line by the time this thing is over would be willing to pay this "inflation" tax if it meant that they were working and earning the money with which to pay it.