Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Quick note: The first image is from a slideshow of pictures from a professional photographer, not the "10 most offensive" slideshow. The "10 most offensive" signs were:
Obama's Plan: White Slavery
The American Tax Payers Are The Jews For Obama's Ovens
Our tax $ given to Hamas to kill Christians, Jews, and Americans. Thanks Mr. O.
"To aid and comfort terrorists is a act of treason" - The US Constitution
[u]Article III states the convicted shall suffer death
Obama: What you talkin about Willis! Spend my money?
No Taxes
Obama Loves Taxes
Bankrupt USA
Loves baby killing
Barack Hussein Obama: The New Face of Hitler
The above sign contained a photoshopped image of Obama as Hitler
Another sign contains the image of Obama slitting the throat of Uncle Sam.
This one is borderline, but I'm pretty sure this sign is not expressing support for gun ownership, but rather is expressing support for the taking up of arms "tomorrow."
God is judging America for 50+ million abortions
Barack Obama supports abortion, sodomy, socialism, and the New World Order.
...so did Bill Clinton (D) and George W. Bush (R)!
Obama was NOT bowing, he was SUCKIG Saudi JEWELS!