It's completely ridiculous to me that some people can't see (or refuse to see) the obvious. Animals are indeed vastly inferior to human beings in their intelligence.
did you ever consider that humanity's (or maybe just some humans)shining intelligence just may not be good enough to perceive some of the various capabilities of animals ? humans have a habit of assuming 'others' are lesser and they are superior. superior to other 'different' humans and animals.
maybe there is a quality some animals possess that's more valuable than intelligence ? why is it so great to be 'intelligent' ? a lion outwits a gazelle in the chase, it's not necessarily instinct, it a skill taught by it's parents. lions social structure allows for times of less prey, humans on the other hand populate like maggots and foul their environment to the point of disaster -for all life- how intelligent is that ?!?
I get the feeling "intelligence" is some kind of licence to ownership...of the world for instance. personally I'd say if humans were not on this planet the animals would be doing just fine. some species would die off, some new would evolve (if you believe in such a crazy concept) but none would die just for the fun of killing them...and humans love killing animals and other humans just for the fun of it. not to mention killing other humans cause they feel they are 'lesser' and are obviously of lower intelligence. honestly, this is how slavery, torture and war comes about.
humans are only superior in certain ways. in some ways humans are more foul than can be imagined. plenty of humans make me ashamed to be human, but all animals just do what they are born to do. as god(?) made them, did god make humans to rape and cannibalise his own children ? I must assume he did cause some humans do this. or did satan ? but wait ! god made satan too !
all religions are just stories invented by ignorant humans trying to make sense of a world they don't understand. over time these stories have been used as a tool to control population. more and more it seems to me religious organizations are just havens for perverted sexual deviants who've ran away from society due to fears of their own inner horrors, or a magnet for megalomaniacal sociopaths, or just a way to use population as a cash cow.
I was hearing about hasidic jews in NY complaining about women in short skirts on NPR the other day...they seemed to blame these women's mode of dress for their own "evil" thoughts ??? please, give me a break.
if a christian dies, and goes to heaven, does he look down at the jews and say HAW HAW ya dumb asses ! you don't believe so yer goin to HELL and burn forever !! or what about the muslims ? are the dead muslims sitting in their heaven with virgins, glasses of milk and honey and thinking heh heh, retarded christians, your not getting any virgins or milk and honey ? or what if the jews are right ? they just think when your dead you're dead so they won't be saying ha, ya dumb goya ! your just gonna be worm food !
oh, and I'd save the farm animals, or any animals before some creationists.
and wtf is so great about enterprising ventures ? most of this human endeavour is destroying the planet. most animals are at least smart enough not to shit in their own bed. some of humanity makes a fetish of it, smearing all over their bodies shit, vomit and general bodily waste has been fetishized by lots of humans. pritty smart ehh ?

guess I wanderd off the (edge?)of "old earth"