Breath some new life into me....
I've lost hope in gaming.
Most games i see out there are so monotonous that they're not that interesting to me anymore. I own a PS3 and a Wii, and no games seem to interest me. I've been looking forward to the release of Final Fantasy 13 in 2010 but thats too far away for me to keep interest. I thought about F.E.A.R. 2 since I own the original but it seems to hold the same characteristics as most first person shooters. I thought about Resistance: Fall of Man 2 but lost interest for the same reason as F.E.A.R. . I'm particularily in love with RPGs but there are not many good ones that have a good story out there. I do like shooters with well thought out storylines.
Am I being too picky or should I suck it up and get the above mentioned two games? And please name some games that would appeal to a person who's lost faith in the video game world.