Originally Posted by ngdawg
Nah, it's not Aliens....
The island is Limbo and everyone is dead, no one survived the crash. Kate giving Aaron to his grandmother was a wish. The smoke is judgment day/God/whatever. Once someone has repented or done good, they're history, so that means they have to atone or answer for their sins before they can go away. (That's why so many who seemed to be favorites, like Charley and Ekko, died so soon-they'd repented fully)
OK, I haven't worked out the details.... 
For whatever it's worth, the show's creators have explicitly stated numerous times that the island is not purgatory or limbo. Of course, they also said there would never be any time travel, but I think there's enough interaction between the Island and the "real world" for it to be all but impossible for everyone to be dead.
In the early seasons when we were really limited to events on the island, I would've agreed. Now we have many characters who were once on the island but now aren't (Ellie, Charles, Walt, Desmond), we have many characters who have left and come back (the six, Ben, Michael, Daniel), we have people who have been near it or made contact with it but not been there (Penny). If this entire thing is some limbo and everyone on Oceanic 216 is dead, there are going to be a lot of glaring holes and a lot of fully realized characters who have to be explained away as elaborate delusions.