Dolphins have the ability to shut down half of their brain at a time. One half sleeps while the other half stands guard, for the most part.
And monkeys are the only hair or fur bearing animals (including humans) that do not get fleas.
The United Methodist Church definitely has a less literal view of the Bible, and they're very progressive. They do have less ritual in their services, though, so if a person is used to that, it can be a bit strange at first.
As a lifelong UMCer (even went to a methodist university) I can attest to this but add, try Presbyterian USA. It may just be this area, but when I was with the UMC, all the sermons were about wellness and being good to yourself, kind of like a counseling session. When we joined the PUSA, everything is about caring for Gaia and other people.
And cookies. Cookies and coffee after the service.