Originally Posted by ASU2003
Then again, I go to a site called the pirate bay, but nobody is getting hurt if I download The Pirates of the Caribbean.
Except your wallet when the MPAA sues the fuck out of you. Public torrent trackers aren't safe.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Um. How 'bout "You break it, you buy it"?
We've stood by and watched most of Africa wallow for the last decade or so. You have any idea how cheap it would be to get some of those countries stable, and the difference that would make for OUR national security?
But nah, let's putz around in Afghanistan for another five years.
Africa is full of failed states still suffering from the setbacks caused by European colonialism. We did our stupid shit there, but to say that it's the US' fault is going too far. I only studied Africa for a few semesters, but I can't see stabilizing countries as a cheap or quick task. We're talking about modernization processes that took more developed parts of the world hundreds of years to achieve. Lastly, if we leave Afghanistan now, it's going to go back to tribal warlord rule, and that's no good for regional or global stability.