The whole thing seems silly to me. You can have a winner without someone loosing. I remember when my daughter played JHS sports and they kept NO SCORE. None zip, zero. The first BB game a I went to I thought WTF!?! The really stupid thing is the kids knew the score, the parents knew the score... only the school officials seemed to not know which team won. The whole thing was just silly. But I went to every game. When she started HS they kept score, but they made sure every kid who tried out made the team and everyone on the team got to play. Which was fine until another school that didn't do that showed up and ran up the score while the "B" players were on the court/field. I remember playing sports in school. I remember not making teams. I think that's the main reason I stalk and kill people today. I mean I don't think it did anything but teach me to try harder on some areas and realize there's always going to be someone better at stuff then you. These seem like good lessons to learn early in life rather then later.
Now I think I'll go make a thread regarding my opinion of some of the parents that attend children's sporting events. No it's a nice day, why get my BP all out of whack. I'll go check out what passes for bikinis down on the beach these days and enjoy a cold beer.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club