Originally Posted by roachboy
ok, it's nice that there's an agreement about this sort of discussion being tiresome---and it is---but what do you (or does anyone) propose to do about it?
one of the reasons this thread has grown as tired and stinky as it has follows from the simple fact that there's no agreement at all about the premises of a discussion.
While this is generally correct, in this very limited case of the tea parties, even using a similar set of agreements some choose to ignore the consequences of their own positions.
For example, setting aside the whole issues of whether or not the state should be smaller, whether or not these protests are fabricated and whether or not they are simply partisan hackery: even if we start with the premise that the federal government should be small, there is a very large number of people who want this sort of miraculous small state while keeping its biggest programs alive. It is entirely inconsistent to demand lower taxes and a smaller state at the same time one wants universal health care and free college. Or even demanding lower taxes while keeping medicare and the military intact.