If he is tired of left vs right, then he should not write things like "all I know is if it has this many liberals and democrats doing everything they can to mock and ridicule it, somebody is doing something right." If you don't like the labels, then you'd best not use them yourself.
I find it interesting that most of the "Oh I'm so tired of the partisan bickering" complaints from the right come when the right is not in power. I never saw "oh my god we have to forget political parties!" during the Contract with America, or during W's presidency until the 2006 "thumpin'" they got from the Democrats.
The simple fact is that the neo-con right in this country changes their stance whenever it suits them. During W's reign it was unpatriotic and treasonous to question a President during a time of war, and yet now they're whipping people up into tea-party frenzies. It was horrible for Clinton to screw around with his intern, but it's OK for Gingrich and McCain to sleep around on their wives, and divorce them while they were in the hospital. It's horrible to expect taxpayers to help people when the taxpayers will never directly benefit from the aid, unless of course we're helping banks and megacorporations run by and profiting republicans. The hypocrisy and disingenuity from the right is extreme to the point of absurdity, and so when someone on the right then comes out and says "gee can't we all just get along and work with each other," you'll excuse me if I don't buy it.