I concur.
Rewarding mediocrity simply dilutes the accomplishment food chain.
Classic example of warm 'n fuzzy Dr. Phil vs. the cliche themes of Fight Club.
Why are we adjusting the life grading curve so much these days?
Perhaps we can't handle the truth: some people just suck.
I also agree that it ruins competition and rules.
People that get medals for nothing as kids expect to get out of traffic tickets, expect to get a promotion at work after a year regardless of performance, etc. It erodes responsibility and achievement.
I look at my military career as an example: I have 10 ribbons for two pointless deployments.
I watched awards ceremonies where paper-pushing rear echelon fuckers got bronze stars.
Some guys that did three tours in 'Nam have half of that. And they actually lived through shit.
Harden the fuck up, America.
Last edited by Plan9; 04-15-2009 at 10:39 AM..