Thread: Tea Parties
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Old 04-15-2009, 09:45 AM   #232 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by pan6467 View Post
Well when you get enough states making something legal/illegal much like cities/counties to state, then Congress and the president can debate it and vote for it.

Not that it worked well or was the best of ideas in history, but that's how Prohibition was started enough states had already outlawed alcohol in one way or another and the amendment process started.
I see, so it's ok for the federal government to force states to obey laws that they don't otherwise want so long as enough other states also created the same laws, but not if enough federal representatives chosen by the people of other states to make federal laws create the law. Makes total sense.

Personally, I don't care who marries whom. But by the same token, I don't believe in forcing my beliefs into a state I will probably never live in.

If your gay and you cannot get married in your state go to one that allows it and get married then go back and live happily ever after.
Too bad that's not how it works. Other states are not obligated to recognize the marriage. More importantly, you still have not addressed my question. Are you saying you support a state's right to outlaw interracial marriage: yes or no? If not, what makes interracial marriage - which is not protected under the US constitution - a federal issue, but gay marriage a state one?

The problem with this country is you have extremists carrying clubs around and bashing people over the head, threatening lawsuits and trying to bully their will into law. There is no compromise. There is no respecting others beliefs. there's just "I'll pummel you into submission, I'll get the press to back me and I'll sue you into poverty until you accept my will."

I truly believe the average citizen, who works hard and is just trying to survive is tired of it. It's all back and forth and back and forth and nothing seems to truly get done but for the people carrying the clubs bashing innocents.

If you want gay marriage in your state work with people by telling them your side, why that issue is important, how it will affect them and campaign for it. Don't bash people into acceptance. IT WON'T HAPPEN. In the end all you will ever get is resentment and more prejudice, more hatred and more polarity, anger and an eventual breakdown in society that will call for a police state. If you truly want freedom, it comes from the people voting on issues that affect them or family or friends. If you want a police state continue the road we are on and ignore what the majority wants because you believe government and the guys carrying the clubs know what is best for EVERYONE and not just an extreme vocal minority.
Funny, have you heard of this thing called the Civil Rights Movement? See, in the south (and elsewhere, but primarily the south) there was this minority of people who had a different color skin, and the majority of people in those states at the time did not want to treat them fairly. They did everything they had to in order to comply with the US constitution, but absolutely no more, and so the minority of people - and others who supported them - metaphorically bullied their will into law. In the end, they won, because enough people recognized that the United States government does not solely exist to enforce the will of the majority, but also to protect the minority from that majority. There are some negative side-effects in the short term, yes, but lo and behold now we have a black president, which was unimaginable just 40 years ago. Go figure.
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Last edited by SecretMethod70; 04-15-2009 at 09:47 AM..
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