Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Why is the state allowed to dictate whether or not your community allows smoking in public? What gives the state of Ohio the right, but not the federal government, to institute that smoking ban in your community? Shouldn't it be on a community by community basis, based on your logic? I'm trying to understand what's so magical about the state that is not magical about the federal government or the county, or the township, or the city, or the ward.
It's called the constitution. Why SHOULDN'T the state be allowed to decide on smoking issues? The federal constitution says anything not given to the federal government is to be regulated by the states. Does everything have to be black and white nationwide?
I never understand this. Why would someone in a liberal state want to force their beliefs on a state with more conservative values or vice versa?
The federal government is basically supposed to protect sovereignty of the United States, issue currency, build postal roads, issue patents and a few other very limited powers. Currently they do much more than that and can't get what they are supposed to do correctly.
I don't agree with states regulating smoking over local communities, but they should have the power over it instead of the federal government.