What's with the false equivalence bullshit? "moderates can go to protests they believe in, sponsored by MoveOn... and get all kinds of love?"
Where was this love. Don't start with platitudes. Where was this love? Which news organization helped fund raise for these organizations? Supported them to the degree fox news, Glen Beck, Rush and so on have supported the "tea parties?"
And where are these people who worship Obama, who see him as a golden boy who can't do no wrong?
Where? If this is all so prevalent, it shouldnt be too hard to find half a dozen examples in this thread alone.
This siege you seem to believe to be under is entirely a fabrication of your mind.
And yet you claim that anyone who is not ready to fall for a GOP sponsored event is brainwashed, obnoxious and snobbish. And that you are the one being attacked!
Also, by how much, exactly, are your taxes going up under Obama?
It just gets boring after a while reading the same crap without an ounce of substance and still be accused of being brainwashed.