Originally Posted by girldetective
Since most here seem to agree on publickness of public libraries, Im going off subject to inquire of SKAFE: Why are your libraries are empty? What's going on there?
I think it lies mostly in what cromp alluded to above, Wikipedia killed the old library system. There's no reason to deal with dewey decimals and sift through shelves of books when a google search is a hell of a lot more convenient and can lead to sources that are exactly as credible. Hell, I've never even used my campus library for anything other than killing time on the internet and snoozing between classes.
The larger central branches are much more busy but I'm convinced it's only because they offer a large selection of films and current periodicals.
And after having spent a few years working for one of the larger book chains, I can say that a lot (not most but we're still talking about a significant number) of people are unlike Braisler and would rather order their books through a bookstore, do their research or reading and return it all once they're done.