Originally Posted by Willravel
"I want small government, except it's the government's right to choose what does or doesn't constitute human life." This isn't even close to being a libertarian stance; this is downright Bush conservative. You're absolutely welcome to your opinion, but this particular opinion flies in the face of wanting a smaller government and more liberty.
It's not close to being anarchist, but libertarianism is a matter of limited government rather than its absence, and the right to life most certainly can fit within that limited government without "Bu$hitler!" being a justified response. Libertarians certainly aren't against the government determining that infants count as human life. It's a completely arbitrary distinction that derides anti-abortion laws as anti-libertarian. Assuming that the z/e/f is a human being - and that's where the real debate will always lie - there's nothing un-libertarian about a ban on abortion.
A libertarian who never rejects a push for more liberty is an anarchist.