I thought I had replied to this thread already, but apparently not.
Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Yes. I love getting flowers - though I haven't gotten them from a male I've been dating in well over a year. One of the ladies at the barn has gotten me flowers for holidays a few times.
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
Potted flowers wouldn't live in the lack of sun in my apartment.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?

Though it has to be somewhere my cats can't get at them.
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Luckily, no!
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
I really enjoy daisies, lilies, and tulips.
What flowers have your favorite scent?
I got some carnations for Valentine's Day and they smelled nicer than I expected.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Don't think so.
If so, how did it impact the date?
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Yep! I received flowers for Valentine's Day for the first time in 2007, and I have pictures of the flowers somewhere because I was so excited about them. I got big fat nothing last year, but two sets of flowers this year - one from a male friend who thought I deserved flowers after not getting them for a long time, one from one of the ladies at the barn. The daisies in the bouquet she gave me lasted over a month and were even growing new leaves on their stems.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Yes. I was given a bouquet a few days after winning a national championship.
Have you ever asked for flowers?
Yes. Unfortunately, the jerk I asked never got them for me because flowers are "shallow," "stupid," and "expensive." Amusingly, I asked for flowers for my birthday in 2006.. and got a pumpkin instead.