Funny I should see this thread now. I just came home after being gone for a few months and was presented with a minute chore; file my old vinyl.
I was looking at some platters to see if they were warped or scratched and then broke out an unopened present from last year, a USB turntable.
(I'm not too cheap to buy new, vinyl is still primo)
I thought, hmm what would Steely Dan sound like in an MP3. I realized the old song Deacon Blues is a very depressing song.
"I'll learn to work the saxophone, I'll play just what I feel
Drink scotch whisky all night long, And die behind the wheel
They got a name for the winners in the world, I want a name when I lose
They call Alabama the Crimson Tide, call me Deacon Blues"
Most of the song is like 'I'm in a depressed state and I'm just settling in to permnant depression."
Depressing for Duke grads, Duke fans, and just depressing. Of course thats why it's called blues huh?
Of course if I graduated from a Lib school like Bard I might be depressed too. It might be a graduation requirement.
(Lib as in liberal not liberal arts or Libertarian)
Last edited by Kingruv; 04-11-2009 at 10:06 PM..