I'd say desktop building can be a big money saver, but with bad decisions it can become hell. Don't get parts from shady sites, do read a lot of reviews on the sites you get them from, (eg, newegg), and make sure you understand exactly what is compatible with what. Watch out for sockets on mobos and processors, make sure the mobo fits in the case, make sure the PSU can supply enough power for your rig.
If you order the wrong video card, that could be a pain.
Overall, if you have experience tinkering with your desktops, swapping GPU's out, switching fans, hardrives, playing with master/slave seettings, adding ram, using the BIOS, etc, then go for it. Google is your best friend, keep a laptop handy next to you with wifi.
Also, if you order parts, make sure they come with cables, or order cables separately. There's nothing like getting a Hard Drive and not being able to plug it in.