Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
~No, it just seems like a waste of money.
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
~If I were to get flowers, I would prefer for them to be still living. Potted would be best.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
~On display in a garden. Like the one I used to have.
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
~Lilly, like these I planted a few years back.
What flowers have your favorite scent?
~Lilac. I think.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
~Lots of roses, lots of times.
If so, how did it impact the date?
~Not really at all, though I do like surprises.
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
~No, I don't do Valentines Day. I have been given them in the past.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
~After planting my garden (accomplishment), I was rewarded with beautiful flowers in the spring.
Have you ever asked for flowers?