Originally Posted by Willravel
I finally got word from someone that attended one of those. They're conservative circle-jerks. They're Palin rallies without Palin. Even if you could rally enough conservatives, the crap that is said there would only further alienate liberals and whether conservatives like it nor not they absolutely need the liberals if you want to enact change. Right now liberals outnumber conservatives.
See the people I know going are much like myself , more fiscally conservative and socially liberal who understand micromanaging people's lives is not what government should do, and that spending has to be justified and programs streamlined and made more effective, throwing money at them but not changing the bureaucracy is not the answer.
February 15, 2003, international protests involving what ended up being millions of people around the world, as many as a million in NYC alone, against the Iraq war received little MSM coverage and didn't change a thing. It was by far the largest protest in history and it was entirely useless.
If you did it just for MSM coverage and done solely for 1 day, it was for the wrong reason and it failed. If you protest to have government hear you and you continue the protest to make people aware of what is going on then, people will hear.
I've been in more of those than I can count. They've only worked for local issues.
There's no reason they can't work in higher government, just needs better organization.
You're not fighting for anything if you're not fighting smart. What are you doing that stands even the faintest chance?
What's fighting smart? To me it's standing up for my beliefs and finding ways to change what I believe to be wrong. I just know if I believe all that I do will have no affect, then I won't do anything. It's all a question of being true to myself.