Originally Posted by mixedsubstance
Take for an example I read in an article some years ago- scientists had 2 basketball teams of the same skill level to perform an experiment. The scientists asked 1 of the 2 coaches to have their team 'visualize' winning the game. The other coach was not instructed to have their team visualize, just coach them as normal.
When the 2 teams played the game against each other- guess who won? The team who was coached to visualize winning.
Also- think about those people out there who miraculously recovered though doctors told them they wouldn't- like that boy from Iraq who was told wouldn't be able to walk again- for the guy on America's Got Talent (if you haven't seen it- Donald Braswell) who was determined to sing again after losing his voice for 11 years....it goes on and on. Determination is just another way to put it. Some people might not realize they are using the Law of Attraction or Positive Thinking. They just call it determination- whether it be conscious or subconscious.
A single repetition of an uncontrolled test that failed to isolate any variables with a sample size of 1 is not a scientific experiment. Examples of unexpected recovery, especially with the placebo effect well documented if not fully understood, do not prove anything. The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
And, MSD, I see that there IS a connection to Mr. Quantum's little experiment and Positive Thinking/Law of Attraction. Backing up to my Quantum Physics Breakdown- and the manipulation of energy....it has everything to do with it. Think of the electron as a thought- think of the observer as you. You step in to observe that thought- and you can change it. You will see it differently. Just by observing it, you are acknowledging that it is there, you are starting to manipulate it. It all just boils down to energy. Not simple- but simple.
I see no breakdown of quantum physics in your post; the closest you've come is a gross misinterpretation of conservation of mass and energy, intertwined with a gross misinterpretation of the observer effect.
I think these two physicists summed it up well with these quotes, which reflect well on Byrne's claim that she understood the subject clearly when she read about it due to her work with the Law of Attraction:
"If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it." -John Wheeler.
"It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." -Richard Feynman.
Originally Posted by mixedsubstance
I've read The Secret- and watched the video. I know what it's all about and it's just one of the many, many sources of "The Law of Attraction". Do you know what a scientific law is, btw? It means it's a truth that's there, even if you don't believe it or accept. It has been PROVEN and no matter what, cannot be disproven.
As a nonfalsifiable and untestable claim, it has not been proven nor will it ever. It seems that you don't know what a scientific law is and are misapplying the term.