First off, hypermilers suck. They drive like idiots, blowing stop signs, coasting down hills at 70, going up hills at 10, taking corners damn near on two wheels, doing almost anything they can think of to increase efficiency at the cost of traffic safety. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but I really don't care what they think. It's a road, not a video game.
The original Insight also had the lowest drag coefficient of any production car at the time of its release.
But at only .01 better than the 1989 Opel Calibra, and .02 better than the 1948 Tucker Torpedo, and .038 worse than the 1935 Tatra T77. . .
(not to mention the GM EV-1 which had a .195 drag coefficient compared to the Insight's .25, and that car came out 3 years earlier, and used a whole lot less gas
The fact is, the insight was a proof-of-concept car that worked fine for the purpose, but no one wants a light weight non-sound insulated, blow away in a strong wind econobox that's slower than your average big wheel. If people don't buy it, then it's not going to save the environment or reduce our use of gas.
The CRX has a cult following too. I have 3. But that doesn't mean it'd be a commercial success if they brought it back today as it was between 88 and 91 (even if they could, which they can't due to new safety regs). I'm guessing it'd be a flop. It's underpowered and under luxuried for what people want out of a car today, just as the insight was.