Originally Posted by Seaver
I always hated that graph. Look, educate yourself on what is the beginning of that time period. It was called the "Little Ice Age" for a reason. People were walking accross New York harbor. There was even a "year without a summer.".
If you use a mini-ice age of course our average will go up in comparison.
so the 'Little Ice Age' ended around 1980? because that's where the sharpest increase in that graph that you hate occurred. Oh wait, the 'Little Ice Age' started to end at around 1850-1900 when the climate began to warm back up. The rise in the graph is very small from 1880 to 1980 (~0.2) when compared to the sharp rise from 1980 to 2000 (~0.6) so please, the 'Little Ice Age' has little to do with this graph and it hardly skews the graph at all. The most important part of that graph is from 1980-2000.
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