The human brain is capable of a systematic and disciplined study of any domain of knowledge. One reason that we have so much difficulty with moral judgments is because no one knows any thing about these matters beyond what they learned in Sunday school or from their parents who are ignorant of such matters also. Religion is not morality. We have allowed religion to take over this domain of knowledge and thus many of our wars that are fought in the name of religion.
Physics is a science that explores the laws of nature regarding objects. We must make morality into a science that explores human moral impulse and from that impulse we must explore the practical and the theoretical aspects of how we can channel these impulses into a behavior that will help us develop a harmony among all humans.
We must learn how to use our imagination to help us in matters of our relationship among others. We have a very productive imagination in matters of physics perhaps that same imagination will help solve problems relevant to human relationships.
Philosophy is the mother of science but is no substitute for scientific empirical study similar to other human sciences. I think that psychology and SGCS (Second Generation Cognitive Science) can be useful in starting such an effort.
Also, I think that there is confusion regarding the meaning of ethics and the meaning of morality. Thus further evidence for the need for an empirical science of morality.
I think that there is also a good bit of confusion as to the meaning of the word "science". I use the word 'science' here to mean a systematic and disciplined study of a domain of knowledge. I do not restrict the word to mean only those domains of knowledge that can be measured with a scale and/or calipers.