noodle, I really admire you. Your work must be incredibly difficult at times, but it is so meaningful. I am hoping that once I get through all this schooling and become an RN, I can be half as awesome as you are.
I have had magic moments over the course of my lifetime, but the most memorable ones are when my daughters express their love and respect out of the blue. It always takes me by surprise when it happens, because I tend to carry around a fair amount of guilt for dragging them around through some of the choices I have made. So it feels really good when they let me know that they love me and think I'm awesome. And they give me the most fantastic Christmas presents.
Last semester, during a full weekend of crash studying and homework, my youngest daughter made a sign on a large piece of paper decorated with colorful little whatnots that read 'Go, mommy, Go!!!' and periodically she would come into the room and cheer me on. That was pretty magical. The little wingnut.