"All right class," says Ms. Jones, "today we're going to talk about where babies come from."
Johnny's hand shoots into the air at the back of the room.
"Can any of you tell me where babies come from?" Ms. Jones asks, trying to ignore the frantically waving hand. "Don't be shy; can any of you share what you know with the rest of the class?"
Johnny is turning pink and purple and slightly bluish from holding his breath. The class is silent.
"All right Johnny," she says, "what can you tell us?"
"Well," Johnny begins, "first mommy and daddy have to love each other very much. Then they have to get reeeeeeally close together and kiss and wish for a baby, and then one day a stork brings them the baby."
Ms. Jones smiles with surprise and relief.
"But there's something I don't get," Johnny says.
"What's that?" she asks.
"Who fucks the stork?"
Last edited by Osilan; 04-02-2009 at 10:46 PM..
Reason: sorry, forgot a piece!