Originally Posted by filtherton
Bachmann I'll give you- she's definitely a blight on the reputation of MN; she's like a less intelligent Ann Coulter.
Yes, but she was running against El Tinklenberg, who is the Urkel of politicians. I'm not terribly surprised that she won, even though I have a feeling she's not overly liked by most Minnesotans.
Ventura actually wasn't that bad- he had a level of candor that was refreshing.
Ventura was an asshole. I worked in MN during his reign. He was so busy coming up with new "media jackal" press passes for us, and screaming at the congresspeople that even when he had a good idea, he couldn't get it done because he had alienated everyone. He was a complete joke, which is a shame because some of his ideas were actually pretty good.
He was miles better than Pawlenty.
Kinda like saying "well, he's smarter than W."