Typically when I go out, I wear jeans or corduroy trousers and a cute top. Sometimes I throw on a nice jacket. I might even go as far as putting on my dressy trousers, a really cute top, and a jacket, along with my ballet flats. There is almost always makeup involved, mostly because it's fun.
Generally, I make an effort not to look like a slob, especially in work situations. Even when I had to wear pajamas for a "pajama party" at my work, I made sure they were clean and in good repair. I think I would have looked at your situation as an opportunity to dress up in something really nice, mostly because I don't often get the opportunity to do so.
Part of why I have to do this is because of my frizzy hair--it tends to make me look like I'm more untidy than I actually am, and I overcompensate sometimes.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau