Would you dress up to go for a beer?
So, today me and my boss were having a "discussion" about my scruffiness etc
One of the things he threw up was apparently I was very scruffy when I went to the work Xmas Party. Now, I have no clue what I wore to go to this, but to be clear about th facts this was not at a nice restaurant. It was at a function centre on Suffolk Showground with a sit down meal then a free bar.
It would not in my wildest dreams occur to me to dress up to go for a meal that i consider casual. Ive gone to the pub in my slippers and pyjama's before (I had an early night cos of a headache and a mate knocked on my door and asked me to come down th pub for 2 or 3 Kronenburg or Stella). I would go to the pub on a Saturday night with girls there quite happily in a pair of tracksuit trousers covered in emulsion stains and a shirt with the collar ripped off and a hole burned around the middle.
Am I normal, or am I the crazy one here?
What person dresses in a special way (ie - does not pick up the first clothes that they see when they get out of bed or walk up to the clothes pile which arent plainly in need of being washed) just to go out with some people they work with and have a drink with your pals to celebrate the season?
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas