It seems that in a vacuum of economic information and verifiable economic theory, people like one sentence answers on who to blame and why. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not much of an economist, but the article above is littered with the one-sentence answers we've been seeing from the uncertain centrists or center-leftists over the past few months, and it's not doing anyone any good by simply conglomerating a lot of incomplete answers into a comprehensive stew of uncertainty.
This whole thing (the economic woes since the housing bubble burst) has been like waking up from a collective dream. The most frustrating part for me is in the ability to recognize incomplete and wrong answers while simultaneously not having the ability to develop good, solid theories on how to really get out of this mess without resting on my own held ideologies. Maybe I'm finding myself in the same place as journalists like Terry Smith, I don't know. What I do know is that it can't be comme il faut for people to simply rush to their held ideologies when they're unsure of the best course of action, though is seems to have become common in the world I grew up in.