Originally Posted by pan6467
We elect Congress and the President, governors, mayors, council etc. We pay them to find ways to manage the spending in their constituencies.... if they cannot do it or we find fault with how they do it, we have the right to elect differing parties and people.
Today, however, since both parties are extremely corrupt and have agendas that are not in the best interest of the people and they control the media, we may have to revolt. The Tea Parties give us the voice to at least show our displeasure peacefully and demand we be heard and they change. If not and they continue to bankrupt this country and refuse to give up power.... then we must revolt one way or another.
that's all fine and good, but the government doesn't care. that's the problem. in some countries, protests really work (see: France) because the government is afraid of pissing off the citizens. in the US, the people are afraid of the government (and they're happy to perpetuate that fear, as it keeps us quiet). So if several thousand people have peaceful protests about how their tax dollars are spent, great, but don't expect the government to pay any attention.