I bow hunted for years. Started bow hunted after climbing up out of a canyon one day to find two drunk rifle hunters had me in their scopes for a while. They thought it was funny as hell, I wasn't laughing. Ordered a Oneida Eagle from Cablea's after that season ended. I really enjoyed it. The woods are nearly empty during bow season. Bow hunters don't drive around with their bow sticking out the window and a bottle of jack on their laps waiting for a bull to hop out of the woods in front of them so they can drop it. They get out and "hump the brush" (totally different then humping the bush, btw)
Calling in a bull elk is a rush and one of the many things I miss living down here.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club