OK. So,
this thread is not quite the same because I never quite got >>(read understood) what was being discussed. Where as that thread dealt with being direct as an ideal method of expression I look at another way of communication. The process of conviction.
Basically this is the question I pose to you TFPer's. How exactly did you get and maintained your conversational skills as well as your ability to put across an argument concisely and simply without confusing others.
I had a math teacher in high school who had a terrible accent due to his mother toungue dialect. He was, however, a very good teacher who was capable of breaking down algebra and calculus to everyone with ease. Getting past the point of trying to understand what he's trying to say, once you actually listened to him, his explanations would unfold beautifully. Needless to say, he was a smart man.
How the heck did he do it?
I am trying to learn how to explain things to people. You know, technical stuff. People say patience is required. But I have to say, patience can run thin after 3 seconds when you learn that the person you are trying to explain something to is intimidated by his television set or his cell phone.
That is question number one. Number two is, how do you get an argument to be clear and straight to the point so that the person on the receiving end doesn't just try to shut it down but instead consider things from your point of view? I lack severly when it comes to creating analogies. I can't make a good comparison to save my life. I'll explain.
I live alone because I like leaving things lying around. Money for instance. So when I leave it on the counter top at night I want it there in the morning. I very much think this is very reasonable. All things considered you don't wanna live with thieves. I however couldn't justify this particular desire (**screams** FOR THE LOVE OF ME) when someone said to me "your too careless to leave money lying around." I mean, ... realy? We can't trust people we live with now? This reduced me to a sputterring idiot and I'm not known for stammering at all.
That said. When practicality is presented at little or no cost (Like not stealing motherf***ers!!) I am unable to make the proper argument suitable to frame my perspective. I think additional english classes are due.
So, teachers, group members, supervisors, managers and TFP at large ...
a) Where did you learn your communicational skills?
b) How/Where do you practice them?
c) Teach me the art of analogies