Originally Posted by timalkin
I believe that increasing the availability of legal marijuana will lead to more cocaine/meth/heroine/pick your drug use. If marijuana is legalized, more people will use marijuana. Many people who use marijuana move to harder drugs. Why not, you're already consuming a mind-altering substance. What's the harm in a little harder? Not everyone will take that next step, but many will. Hell, many people who smoke marijuana started smoking cigarettes first.
I'd love to see where you got this from. I drink wine. So, by your theory, I should move on to hard liquor now. I have smoked pot and I rather enjoy it. Wish I could more often. I have NO desire to do any other drug, I don't know any pot smokers that have. And I didn't smoke weed because I smoked cigarettes-in fact, I was a casual non-inhaler of those back when I first toked.
Originally Posted by timalkin
Drug traffickers who can't turn a profit selling marijuana will focus their efforts on pushing harder drugs that are still illegal. The supply of harder drugs will increase because that's all the dealers have to worry about.
Then the next pub discussion will turn to legalizing harder drugs. Think about how much money the government could save my just letting people do whatever hard drugs they want. Victimless crime, non-violent offender prison crowding, blah blah blah.
You do realize that you just made the argument FOR legalizing pot, right? You also agreed, by making that statement, that it is pushers that look for the bigger cash that make the harder drugs more available because pot is so mild in comparison, cheap and anyone can grow it.
People who smoke weed aren't looking necessarily for anything more that what pot offers. People who smoke cigarettes aren't necessarily looking for more than what those offer.
Your views are out of touch with reality, Sir.
Fact is, this country is losing its declared 'War on Drugs" because it invests too much time, manpower and money "fighting" something that doesn't warrant the fight it's in.
We are stuffing potheads into prisons and political leaders then make decisions to release prisoners because of overcrowding. Here's an idea-don't put pot users and growers and sellers in prison. Don't want to legalize it? Fine, give them a desk ticket and send them home. The average grower/user isn't involved in violent crime, doesn't belong to any drug cartels that kill for territory rights yet can be and has been sentenced to time that rivals murderers if not drunk drivers.
Which is the most threatening to civility? Pothead, drunk driver or murderer?
According to our courts system, they're equal.